7 Reasons Morning Sex is the Best! 

Let’s Talk Morning Delights  

| Written 23rd August 2023  I  4 minute read | 

Roll out the red carpet (or the red sheets), because we're about to unveil a topic that's as tantalising as it is tingly: morning sex! 

That's right, folks, we're diving into the world of sunrise seduction, where the birds aren't the only ones chirping and the sun isn't the only thing rising. 

If you've ever wondered why some people are all about the early A.M. escapades, hang on tight as we uncover 7 reasons why morning sex might just be the ultimate way to rise and shine. 

1. Morning meditation

Who needs meditation when you can wake up and immediately meditate... horizontally? 

Morning sex isn't just a cardio workout for your heart – it's a mood booster for your soul. 

The endorphin rush from that early AM lovin' can set a positively charged tone for the entire day. 

2. Lose the snooze 

Is hitting the snooze button your morning workout routine? 

Time to swap it out for something better. 

Morning sex is the ultimate wake-up call, elevating your heart rate faster than you can say "latte, please." 

Consider it nature's espresso minus the jitters! 

3.  Bed hair never bothered me 

Guess what? Morning sex is the great equalizer when it comes to bedhead. 

It's like the universe's way of saying, "embrace that sexy frizz!" 

So, leave the hairbrush and let the universe do its thing – you're too busy, anyway. 

4. Breaky in bed (but not what you think) 

Who needs protein shakes or Weetabix when you've got morning exercise that's both fun and satisfying? 

A romp between the sheets can work muscles you didn't even know existed!!! 

Consider it a buffet of benefits – you get a workout and a smile all in one go. 

5. Avoid the rush hour 

Why battle morning traffic when you can indulge in a different kind of congestion? 

Morning sex lets you experience rush hour in a whole new way (minus the road rage). 

6. Skip the morning moodiness 

You could start your day with a grumble and a groan, OR, you could start it with something pleasurable! 

Morning sex has the magical power to flip the switch on your mood from "ugh" to "oh yes".  

Say goodbye to morning moodiness, and hello to morning glory (literally)! 

7. That special bonding time

Imagine this: you come home after a long day of work and the one thing you DREAM of doing is (not your partner) but going to sleep (obviously). 

That's where morning sex comes in. 

Sharing those intimate moments in the early hours can be like putting an emotional supercharger on your relationship. 

Morning sex isn't just a roll in the hay. 

It's about infusing your mornings with passion and connecting with your partner on a deeper level before the world starts knocking on your door. 

So, consider this your wake-up call – snoozing through your chance at morning delight means missing out on a world of sensuous opportunity.