Embracing Body Positivity: 

Loving Yourself and Your Partner's Body 

| Written 18th July 2023  I  7 minute read | 

Welcome, beautiful souls, to a blog post all about celebrating our bodies and fostering a deep sense of love and appreciation for ourselves and our partners. 

In a world with unrealistic beauty standards, it's time to turn the tables and embrace this thing called ‘body positivity’. Body positivity in short, is all about embracing and loving every inch of your incredible self, regardless of society's narrow beauty standards.

It's about celebrating the uniqueness of your body, from head to toe, and saying, "Hey world, I'm fabulous just as I am!" 

So, let's embark on a journey of self-love, confidence, and acceptance that will not only transform our own lives but also enhance our connections with our partners!

Find the uniqueness in yourself first

It's time to embrace your own unique body and take a moment to appreciate it for all the amazing things it does for you!!!

As RuPaul once said, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?".  

Celebrate your body by pampering yourself with sexy lingerie, pleasureful toys or a regular self-care routine. By doing so, you create a positive and empowering atmosphere that enriches your relationship and enhances pleasure.

Remember, intimacy is a two-way street, and your partner finds you attractive for who you are, so embrace your uniqueness and let it shine through during intimate moments. 

Body positivity with your partner

Now, body positivity isn't just about loving your own body; it's also about accepting and appreciating your partner's body too!

When it comes to body positivity, open and honest communication with your partner is key. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where you share what makes you feel confident and desired, and ask your partner to do the same. 

Compliment each other more, highlighting what you find attractive and unique. Remember, we’re talking about genuine compliments - don’t force it!

Share love- and pleasure

Intimacy SHOULD be about pleasure, connection, and shared experiences but sometimes prickly thoughts get in the way. 

That’s why you need to shift your mindset away from that "perfect" body to enjoy the sensations, emotions, and joy that come with physical intimacy. 

In short, you shouldn’t give a crap about what your body looks like in order to feel pleasure!

By embracing pleasure over perfection, you'll create an atmosphere of freedom and acceptance in the bedroom.

Why not experiment with different types of adult toys and sexual activities that align with your comfort levels? From vibrators to roleplay lingerie, there are endless possibilities to explore on our website. 

To conclude, let's celebrate the power of body positivity and the transformative impact it can have on our lives and relationships.

It's a reminder that we can find freedom, self-acceptance, and deep connections with our partners when we embrace and love the uniqueness of our bodies.

In this world of societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards, let's be the change we want to see!